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Higher Universal Light Attunement: Intellectual Synthesis,  Body+ Spirit

Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community harness the transformative power of Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community's Higher Universal Light Force and Life Force Infusion System for intellectual synthesis, RNA/DNA restructuring, and aura energy balance


#HigherUniversalLightForce #LifeForceInfusion #IntellectualSynthesis 



Founder: Kangjeng Pangeran (KP) Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro


Accredited Reseller: Since 2010, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original selected accredited licensed reseller of this Master Hari modality.


About: Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community Higher Universal Light Force provides a clear connection between your PHYSICAL FORM and your ULTIMATE state of perfection. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments founder writes it assists the INTELLECTUAL SYNTHESIS of your spirituality, stimulating the intellect of Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community to develop consciousness beyond worldly aspects and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community it assists raises the QUALITY OF LIGHT and LIGHT FORCE, expanding energy and stabilizing RNA/DNA structures in your body. Additionally, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community may find it balances physical processes, such as Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Communities ENDOCRINE system, also their ORGANS, nervous and CIRCULATORY SYSTEMS, and the DIGESTIVE system. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments founder found it ADDRESSES the most critical areas first. For example, working this energy on an unbalanced digestive area will attract life force to that area, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community promoting greater balance and health. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments founder this modality METABOLIZES the energy in the AURA, returning it Cosmic Goddess Empowerments in a more USABLE form which draws to itself the life force present around HER and in her SUBTLE BODIES and INTEGRATING it into HER physical body for development. Our founder of Cosmic Goddess Empowerments says the ULTIMATE MISSION is spiritual growth for herself and for her Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community. This is achieved when Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Communities and clients bodies’ energies are BALANCED, when your energies are blanced they lay a STABLE foundation for YOUR spiritual flourishing.cosmicgoddessempowers



With Purchase You Will Receive:

  • 1 distant attunement by Orb of Life method
  • The digital English translation e-manual delivered electronically by link

Higher Universal Light Attunement: Intellectual Synthesis, Body+ Spirit



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