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Cosmic Voice Power Force, digital PDF: A Magical Influence to Your Voice

Cosmic Voice Power Force, digital PDF: Brings a magical influence to your voice for positive transformation and for soothing charged states



March 2023

Founder Master Hari Winarso


Master Hari writes Cosmic Voice Power Force was channeled to boost the power of your voice with cosmic energy. Every time you speak, your words will be imbued with powerful cosmic vibrations – giving them an extra magical influence on those who hear it. By Cosmic Voice Power Force, your words can bring about positive transformation and inspiration for others! It allows your voice to create a calming, soothing atmosphere when people are in an emotionally charged state. This is because it is infused with energies that help relax and lower the intensity of emotions.

Cosmic Voice Power Force provides an incredibly powerful and healing energy that can be accessed through your voice.


Master Hari says this energy will also energize your affirmations, allowing them to work more effectively and quickly -- resulting in realizing your goals more rapidly. It is truly harnessing the power of the Universe through your voice!


Cosmic Voice Power Force has simple activation procedure for self and for activating for others, also. No symbol. The energy will run and work by itself after activation.


Included is the original English Translation PDF manual delivered electronically by link and orb of life attunement service



Cosmic Voice Power Force, digital PDF: A Magical Influence to Your Voice



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