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Divine Liquid Love 1-2 Attunements: Replenish Love From Source

2017, Divine Liquid Love 1-2, digital Master PDF: Divine Love Replenishment so you're never dependent on a person, situation or success to fill you!

12 November 2017

Founder Mariah Windsong Couture

Prerequisite: Reiki / Seichim Master (there is also a personal use manual with no prerequisite).


Levels 2

BOGO? No Teacher systems are not part of gift offerings



Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, I want to share some exciting news with you. Divine Liquid Love is an energy upgrade that replaces the original Liquid Love system. As Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, you'll find the Master Manual offers an extensive upgrade, providing you with advanced techniques for self-use and sharing energies with others, particularly if you're a Reiki Master, whether in distance or in person.

Level 1 - Liquid Love

Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, please take note that these energies have undergone an upgrade, supplanting the original Liquid Love system. If you're one of the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students who frequent, you'll appreciate the evolution of Liquid Love. It's designed to offer a personalized stream of love for each of you, serving as a constant source of replenishment. This ensures that as Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, you're never dependent on external factors for fulfillment.

Level 2 - Divine Liquid Love

Now, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, let's delve into level two of this system—Divine Liquid Love. This is where you'll experience the direct infusion of your Creator's love into your being. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students who have experienced Divine Liquid Love will attest that it has the power to transcend trauma, heal wounds, and fill the void within. Through regular activation, you'll find yourself aligned with the heart of Divinity. As Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, you'll love the feeling of being deeply immersed in the love of the Divine.


About the Master System:

For Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students who are interested in the Master System, you'll be pleased to know that it consists of 2 Levels but is not included in BOGO offerings. This grants you the privilege of passing on attunements to others. The manual provides Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students with comprehensive instructions for hands-on treatments, distant healing, and attunement transmission.


Included is 1 (one)  digital e-manual sent electronically by link and distant attunements via orb of life

Divine Liquid Love 1-2 Attunements: Replenish Love From Source



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