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Mega Power Spell Breaker Attunement: Help to Destroy Imprecations - Any Kind



Founder Lavinia Sina Szendrei

Levels 1


  1. Prior Attunement Service With Cosmic Goddess Empowerments to a Lavinia system
  2. Current Year Online Student Member for 30 days


About this system:


It is a ...high magical energy system.

Mega Power Spell Breaker is one of the best emergency helpers !! Lavinia states it is the merciless destroyer of spells, witchcraft, imprecations, curses, negative intentions, black magic and negative energies of ANY kind !!! Further Lavinia states that any preexisting effects of black magic etc. will be assisted to be made null and void and you will be powerfully, energetically cleaned, filled with new energy and supplied with universal well-being.


If desired this magic is able to spin everything back to the sender (up to eight times magnified when you pretend it), with a mighty power and teach him if necessary a lesson he won´t forget. (If you pretend it.) In addition you will be automatically surrounded with a magical might, inner strength and a strong protection, which you probably never felt in this form before...


Included is orb of life / chi ball attunement service and the original 5 Page English PDF manual delivered electronically by link

Mega Power Spell Breaker Attunement: Help to Destroy Imprecations - Any Kind


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