Founder Mariah Windsong Couture
Prerequisite: Must be Reiki or Seichim Master teacher to attune others none for self use.
Levels: 2 (Multi Level System Must Always Be The Main Selection Not A Gift)
About this system:
Blood Care cleanses your blood and removes genetic maladies in your blood’s DNA. Other functions include Paternal and Maternal Genetic Weakness Flushes.
Blood Care™, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, has 2 levels. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, it helps to attend to concerns arising from your mother and father’s sides of the family genetic line going back 7 generations. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students blood carries much coding from parents and is one of the first areas of our body to become "stressed" when parental patterns are not the patterns we have grown to choose for ourselves. Any previous forms your spirit has been in can bring genetic incompatibilities that Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students can flush away. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students can also be infused with the genetic strengths you may have had in other incarnations that are beneficial to you now in this lifetime, while in this physical body. Blood of Life Infusion™ has arrived from the Creator Goddess manifestation just as She individuates from Eternal Sacred Source. Thank you for visiting cosmicgoddessempowerments.com
With purchase you will receive the English digital e-manual PDF sent electronically by link and 1 distant attunement service by orb of life method
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