Relationship Repair Shakti, Master digital e-manual: Repair your relationships with people, money & cut cords of unhealth relationships
Includes Master Teacher Only digital pdf sent electronically & attunement
Foundier Mariah Windsong Couture
Prerequisite: Reiki Master
Language: pdf manual available in your choice of English or German & now offering in Japanese
About this system:
Repair your relationships with people, money and more.
Shakti are sentient forces of Divinity whose positive influences can be brought unto and extend through your life in many areas.Repair your relationship with money, with yourself, your body, your family, pets, friends, computer, food, electrical equipment etc. Relationship Repair Shakti is a Divine Being of Eternal Light who you may upon after you’ve received an attunement to Her energy. This gives you a link and the privilege of activating her energy anytime you want to.
Also included are two additional energy functions of Divine Will Relationship Ray; also Sick Relationship Cord Cutter and another Shakti called Divine Will Relationship Shakti is included to help you gain the relationship in accord with Divine Will, to cut cords that are unhealthy and to provide energy offerings for gaining healthier relationships.
Included - 1 distant chi ball attunement and a digital electronically sent e-manual in your choice of the original English or German or Japanese
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