Pure Space Essence digital e-manual by Hari: Clear unwanted negative energies and bring purification & positivity in your sacred space, home & office
5 June 2016
Founder Hari Winarso
About this system:
Cosmic Goddess Empowerments found Pure Space Essence assisted to clear our sacred space. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments recommends for you if you are needing assistance with removing unwanted negative energies in your sacred space. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments also found it will also positive energy to your sacred space like it did ours for purification and peace. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments recommends using in your home or office because we found it brought a positive atmosphere which will be reflected to all who those who enter your space. Hari says you can use the energies in any type of space/room, so , everyone inside the space/room will feel comfort, positive feelings, and good-moods.
With purchase you will receive the original pdf English translation e-manual sent electronically by email and 1 distant attunement via chi ball
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