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Meteor Body Empowerment, a digital e-PDF by Hari Winarso: Build & Boost Energy

Meteor Body Empowerment, a digital e-manual: Become a capable channel of spiritual & cosmic energy to build & boost your physical energy & more


Includes the digital English translation e-manual sent electronically by link and orb of life / chi ball attunement service


17 April 2018

Founder Hari Winarso




Cosmic Goddess Empowerments dear friend Master Hari Winarso brought forth

Meteor Body Empowerment and writes in the e-manual it was channeled and created to build up and boost your physical energy. It will strengthen your physical power and Master Hari writes it will also strengthen your stamina helping it to become more powerful. The energy of Meteor Body will strengthens the immune system, boost the vitality and "kick out" the disease from the body.

Master Hari says that his Meteor Body Empowerment helps to cleanse and reenergizes your energetic body.  It writes Master Hari, revitalizes and purifies energies, cleanses and expands aura, also realigns magnetic fields with purpose to enhances your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.


Meteor Body Empowerment makes you become a capable channel of spiritual and cosmic energy, so that spiritual and cosmic energies are always flowing to you and through you; accelerating you to achieve illumination, self-realization, harmony, and enlightenment. Content protected and cut and paste web tracked by

Meteor Body Empowerment, a digital e-PDF by Hari Winarso: Build & Boost Energy

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