Fairy Shield Essence digital pdf by Hari Winarso: A fairy shield to protect your aura from unwanted energy & prevent others from draining your energy
Includes digital pdf sent electronically by link & distant orb of life attunement. Read further for details. cosmicgoddessempowerments.com
5 October 2016
Founder Hari Andri Winarso
Levels 1
About this system:
Hari writes Fairy Shield Essence was channeled to be a powerful energetic shield for your aura and subtle bodies. It has a powerful energy to protects you from unwanted energies, and prevents others draining ones energy, transforms negative energy to positive.
Fairy Shield Essence will become a powerful personal protection for you and also all people around you. It very helps to creates a safe, positive and harmony environment, and brings joy and happiness to you and all people around you. Thank you for visiting cosmicgoddessempowerments.com copyscape web copy protected.
With purchase you will receive:
The original English translation pdf manual by Hari which includes attunement information, how to give treatments, distant healing methods, and how to pass attunements sent electronically and your distant attunement by chi ball call in method
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