Enlightenment Essence with Angel Vehuel, digital pdf e-manual: Glorify the Divine, Assist Spiritual Practices & improve your spiritual life
4 May 2016
Founder Hari Andri Winarso
Levels 1
About this system:
Hari writes Angel Vehuel is the angel of elevation. The meaning of his name is The Great and Exalted God. Enlightenment Essence with Angel Vehuel was channeled to assist your meditation, visualization, mantra recitation, and any form of your spiritual practices -- with purpose to improve your spiritual life and reach enlightenment.
Angel Vehuel will teach you to forgive others easily and give love freely, so you can enter a deep-state of unconditional love.He will also teach you to live in harmony and glorify The Divine. Thank you for visiting cosmicgoddessempowerments.com copyscape protected.
With purchase you will receive:
The original English translation pdf digital e-manual sent electronically by link and distant attunement by orb of life method.
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