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Empathy Buffer With Shekinah Power 1&2: Buffer for Others Pain


Founder Mariah Windsong Couture

Levels 2

Manuals 2 Teacher and Personal Use

Prerequisite: None

Language:  English




  • The master manual shows how attune others as well as share energies from a distance with others, whereas the personal use manual is just for your personal use.  
  • There is also a personal use system available but does not include all the functions of the Master Teacher system.


Personal Use Description:

Empathy Buffer is for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students who feel with intensity the pain others are going through, or your own compassionate reaction to their pain is strong and distracting you from your daily life activities. We believe that you don't have to stay in the feelings of what others are going through to be compassionate. Certainly, a Cosmic Goddess Empowerments student can access energies to send to relieve pain and discomfort better from a place of comfort. When you are overwhelmed by the pain or suffering of other people, pets or wildlife, it makes it difficult to send uplifting comforting energies to them. Your own body can interpret your empathic feelings as if danger or trauma is happening to it right now.


Teacher Description:

Teacher manual contains Empathy Buffer and Shekinah Power. There are no prerequisites for this master attunement except a 5 day wait to work with energies prior to attuning anyone. 


Shekinah Power is an energy flow of the Shekinah that can will help Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students heal from your own traumas and can be sent out to anyone in need of relief and comfort. Her energies can also evoke a compassionate response from those involved who have abused or neglected people, pets and wildlife. Instructions for sending Shekinah Power energy is included in the master manual. Shekinah Power is a very strong energy flow.......and MUCH MORE! 


With purchase you will receive:

2 pdfs sent electronically by link and distant attunement service by orb of life / chi ball method


Empathy Buffer With Shekinah Power 1&2: Buffer for Others Pain


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