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Next Generation Golden Sepsis Defense: Sepsis Inflammation

Sepsis: A Life-Threatening Inflammatory Response to Infection


August 28, 2024


Founder: Master Ananta Lucian / Spiritual Elder Master Noel



This and all Master Lucian's and Master Noels system are exclusive to Cosmic Goddess Empowerments.



Next Generation Golden Sepsis Defense is an advanced energetic modality designed to complement traditional medical sepsis therapies for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students and clients. It supports Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students and clients body’s ability to manage clearing of sepsis inflammation, which, if uncontrolled, can lead to tissue damage, organ dysfunction, and be potentially fatal.  Next Generation Golden Sepsis Defense assists with tissue protection, safeguarding vital organs, assisting and protections inflamation for yourself and activate for a loved one &! 


Included is orb of life attunement service and the original personal use eBook PDF delivered electronically

Next Generation Golden Sepsis Defense: Sepsis Inflammation


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