Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community Unlock your healing potential with the Master Healer program! Learn a few powerful techniques for addressing old wounds, tap into the Cosmic Healing Bank, and accelerate your journey as a Healer. #CosmicHealingBank #AccelerateHealing #MasterHealer #EnergyHealing
Founder: Kangjeng Pangeran (KP) Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro
Accredited Reseller: Since 2010, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original selected accredited licensed reseller of this Master Hari modality.
Levels: Master Healer has 2 Initiations:
- Healer Initiation
- Master Healer Initiation
Cosmic Goddess Empowerments presents the Master Healer Initiations which are a very unique and POWERFUL healing tool. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community will find these techniques easy to work with in the English translation maniual. It vibrates all of the COLOR frequencies of the spectrum. This allows Master Healer energies to be utilized to help Cosmic Goddess Empowerments HEALERS with HEALING of conditions, stimulate the IMMUNE SYSTEM, and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community many healers say can be used for PSYCHIC and EMOTIONAL healing.
Master Healer 1:
Master Healer Initiation 1 Healer Initiation:
- A technique for HEALING OLD WOUNDS: Addressing deep-seated trauma which are
- Exploration of "COSMIC HEALING BANK": Guidance on sending healing energy to others to be delivered at a later time.cosmicgoddessempowers
- The CHAKRA Meditation: Enhance chakra awareness and balance.
Master Healer
Master Healer Initiation 2 (Master Healer):cosmicgoddessempowers
This Initiation provides advanced techniques for Master Healers.
- Healing
- 2 Light
Included With Purchase:
- Orb of Life Distant Attunement Service (3 days apart)
- The Original Master Healer Level 1 & 2 English Translation manual