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Inti Husada DEWA - Devas Healing Core Magickal Attunement:  Strengthens Body

Please be aware that this is an Indonesian Esoteric or Magickal System and may reflect some of the religious belief systems of Java, Indonesia, it is not for everyone. 


Founder Master Hari Andri Winarso

Prayer? Yes, manual delivered by Cosmic Goddess Empowerments will provide the Original OR English translation Prayer as well as information on your required Cleanse Prior to Initiation


Please be aware that this is an Indonesian Esoteric or Magickal System and may reflect some of the religious belief systems of Java, Indonesia, it is not for everyone.


Accredited Reseller: Since 2010, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original selected accredited licensed reseller of this system.


BOGO? Yes for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students this must be a main selection not a free one


Prerequisites:Current Year Online Registered Student Member for 40 days and,

Prior attunement service with us


About Indonesian Culture Esoteric and Magickal Attunements:


The Javanese and Indonesian culture is rich in spiritual esoteric, magickal, and mystical practices and this system delivered by Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is an example of such practices. It is an esoteric inner power empowerment that has its roots in Indonesian esoteric knowledge.



Inti Husada Dewa has a meaning as "Core of Deva's Healing", Master Hari writes that Inti Husada Dewa is a great magickal healing power. The initiation activates healing abilities for yourself or others. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students found it helps with strengthening the body after an illness or during a disease.  It increases immunity and strengthens the mind.

With purchase you'll receive 1 distant attunement by orb of life chi ball call in method and the original English Translation manual with English prayer sent electronically by link


Inti Husada DEWA - Devas Healing Core Magickal Attunement: Strengthens Body


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