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Success Flush Attunement: Everything energetically you need for success

Founder: Master Hari Winarso


About Hari Winarso:


Master Hari is world recognized as a grand master teacher, fire walker, and author. He has produced some of the finest courses available.  



About Success Flush:


Levels 1


Prayer/Chant? No


Mudra?  Yes 


From the manual, "The Success Flush is a form of nature energy activation that is really extraordinary in a human self.  The Success Flush accesses and activates two of the greatest powers of human MIND POWER and SOUL POWER, And two that of that greatest powers of human will be upgrade with a biggest power and pure in this universe, The GOD Power, a power that never false and move with its own orderliness pattern. The GOD Power is a power that usually used by Lhamas in Tibet as the lucky power, abundance power, wealth power, the lucky patron. Abundance, Wealth, this power is known by the name of DZAMBHALA (Jambhala).


Generally The Success Flush Up-grades the Mind Power and Soul Power with The God Power until getting acceleration of Quantum Life Arises, activates the subconsciousness, and then after that will easy the way to access the subconsciousness. It is very usefully for getting the maximum result in our praying or positive affirmations.  



Student Members will receive:


One English translation digital emanual PDF sent electronically by link and 1 orb of life / chi ball  attunement service




Success Flush Attunement: Everything energetically you need for success

  • The buy one get one free and glad gift is available ONLY to eligible registered online members who are clients and students.

    Gift must be 1 selection of equal or lesser value and eligible as a buy one get one offering.

    Teachers, Healing Professionals, Energy Therapists, Coaches Energy Session Providers, Facebook/Etsy or Sellers are not eligible for gifts and may purchase as a stand alone system purchase.


    At checkout online registered student members at prompt list your selection. All other members list "does not apply".



    Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original accredited reseller of Master Hari Winarso courses since 2010 and as the accredited reseller we have absolute permission to list Master Hari's systems as buy 1 get 1 free for our registered student members or to place in sales. We received energies purely, with integrity, and with perfection from our dear friend, Master Hari and we deliver to you via Eternal Sacred Source.

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