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Hope Faith and Love Elohim, 1-3 Attunement: Sentient Forces of Divinity


Included is the 2018 English e-manual sent electronically by link and orb of life attunement service


BOGO? Yes, for student members but this must be a main selection not a gift


18 March 2018

Founder Mariah Windsong Couture



The Elohim of Emanation are sentient forces of Divinity whose jobs it is hold the frequencies of Divinity throughout creation.The sentient forces emanate out from the the level of Dinity that, in Kabbalah terms, would be the Ein or Ain Soph.  Hope Faith and Love are a trinity.


The Elohim of Emanation are Forces of Divinity whose jobs it is hold the frequencies Divinity throughout all creation.


They emanate out from the level of Divinity that, in Kabbalah terms, would be the Ein or Ain Soph.  


Ain Soph is the ineffable, unknowable part of God that is Eternal Sacred Source. Ain Soph is higher than you may think of as Father God. These Elohim emanate out from the still center that unfathomable to our currently finite awareness.


Here are descriptions of the second three Elohim of Emanation who you shall be attuned to, and may call upon at any time to work with in Synergy or individually for yourself or others.


Hope, Faith and Love Elohim are as a trinity.


The connection to their energies, unlike other empowerments, does not give you the ability to ‘run’ their energy for others, but to call them and ask them to bring their energies to bear influence upon and render assistance to those you wish to be helped by their presence in a very real way.


I’ve enjoyed working consciously with all 12 Elohim of Emanation very much since 2002 and it is these Beings with which I am most familiar with energetically for daily interactions.



As you read through here, notice the 4 ways you have of ‘calling’

upon each of their energies, by Name, by their colors/images, by the movements their energy moves in, and by the Hebrew Names of God.


Hope Elohim looks like very pale blue Light shot through with gold that is an inward moving spiral. She usually moves inward through the back of your heart chakra, slowly, and gently opening it.


She feels very childlike, opening and dissolving disappointment, separation, and yes, even numbness. Many people, when sad, curl up inside themselves, closing themselves off from the natural flow of Life and Light Force from Source to their body and being.


She sanctifies your relationship to the Divine. This allows you to feel close to God even when you are lonely and sad, and would otherwise close inward into yourself.


Nasi Shalom; Yoiel Kohelet Tiphareth; Ose Shalom; Ha-Shem; Beresheit Bara; Shekhina Esh


Faith Elohim looks like a vertical column of white Light shot through with gold. Her energy moves in both directions at the same time.


She focuses the connection that Hope has opened in the center core of your body and may be felt in your torso if you are sensitive to subtle energies. Faith is the requirement for action and expression of this inner relationship with Divinity.


Her energy often acts as an initiator to new levels of skill or perception. When we have Faith we have the confidence to step forward in the abilities we now know we have been given and that we will be upheld.


El Shaddai, Eli Eli; Urim Thummim; Abba Nartoomid; Melek Shamayyim; Ehyah Asher Ehyah.


Love Elohim looks like a soft pink Light shot through with gold that manifests as an outward moving spiral.


Hope, Faith and Love synergistically work together.


Love takes Hope’s childlike connection to God and the unshakable focus of Faith and radiates it outward to all life.


This makes us receptive to Life!


Included is the original digital pdf manual in English delivered electronically by link and orb of life / chi ball attunement service


She redeems the Oneness of Creation through the constant outpouring of the experience of communion with Eternal Sacred Source. It is easy to reach out to others when you intimately know the delight of communion with the Divine. Love Elohim gives the confidence that you are loveable and that your love will be well received by others.


Adonai Tsabayot; Shekhina; Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsabayot; Eloha Elohim, Ammi Shaddai; Hakdamot Hekalot



Hope Faith and Love Elohim, 1-3 Attunement: Sentient Forces of Divinity


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