Spiritual metamorphosis and profound renewal can be yours with the transformative power of Fire Spectrum. This extraordinary essence catalyzes the release of negative patterns, dissolves blockages, and unveils your pure, true self.
Founder: Kangjeng Pangeran (KP) Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro
Accredited Reseller: Since 2010, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original selected accredited licensed reseller of this Master Hari modality.
Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community Fire Spectrum encourages spiritual growth and transformation by releasing and transforming negative patterns and dissolving blockages. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments has worked with this energy for 15 years for helping our clients in sessions to peel away layers to reveal their pure being within, using this energy as the great purifier Cosmic Goddess Empowerments finds that in times of great change, we can utilize to support Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients in their cleansing and renewal process, transforming matter into light. Results manifest on subtle vibrations, like changes in the aura. Use this essence only when change is already underway to assist the process for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients in unlocking the most sacred part of them and revealing their original and ongoing life paths. This remedy provides a “fiery” sense of purpose and direction, inspiring Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community and clients to follow their life path and fulfill their highest destiny. THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND—only forward movement. DO YOU DARE?
Spiritual Growth & Transformation: Cosmic Goddess Empowerments found that it helps release and transform negative patterns for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients and dissolve blockages.
Cleansing & Renewal: Cosmic Goddess Empowerments found that it supports the process of purifying and transforming.cosmicgoddessemp
Subtle Vibrational Changes: Cosmic Goddess Empowerments found that it enhances subtle changes, like improvements in Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients aura.www.cosmicgoddessempowerments.com
Connection to Primordial Times: Cosmic Goddess Empowerments found that it opens individuals to their most ancient sources and life purposes.
Revelation of Life Paths: Cosmic Goddess Empowerments found that it unlocks sacred parts of a Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community member, revealing their original and ongoing life paths.
Fiery Sense of Purpose: Cosmic Goddess Empowerments found that it inspires and motivates Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community to follow their life path and fulfill their highest destiny.cosmicgoddess
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