Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture
About this system:
Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community, the Elohim of Emanation are sentient forces that emanate out from the source of creation. They are, Grace, Purity, Rapture, Hope, Faith, Love, Mercy, Peace, Harmony, Liberty, Alpha-Omega, and Victory Elohim. Each one has specific ways they want to help Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students and your loved ones.
Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students your 1 attunement provides students with a strong connection with the energy of each of the 12 Elohim of Emanation. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments the Elohim of Emanation can help you and others in your life. Please talk with them as you would friends.
Includes orb of life/chi ball distant attunement service and the digital English e-manual sent electronically by link
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