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Esoteric Power MP3: Inner Shield Light: Cahaya Perisai Diri for Psychic Attacks

Founder: KP. Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro


Light of Inner Shield Esoteric Power: Cahaya Perisai Diri MP3 and Attunement


Prayer? Yes, manual delivered by Cosmic Goddess Empowerments will provide the Original MP3 and English translation Prayer.



Prerequisites: Current Year Online Registered Student Member for 40 days and Prior attunement service with us


About Indonesian Culture Esoteric and Magickal Attunements

The Javanese and Indonesian culture is rich in spiritual esoteric, magickal, and mystical practices and this system delivered by Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is an example of such practices. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students love esoteric inner power energies in Indonesian esoteric knowledge and they are not for everyone as they are very powerful.


About this system:

Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students seeking protections and invulnerability from your enemies psychic and physical attacks say this great light of inner shield magickal power builds a high protection shield. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students say these energies are amplifed by the MP3 but this not only bring up a invulnerabity power and protection.  Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students say it strengthens their aura to the highest level so their charisma power cannot be denied and this infusion helps them in business, love and more!



Includes Orb of life distant chi ball attunement digital English translation digital PDF manual sent electronically by link along with MP3 prayer


Esoteric Power MP3: Inner Shield Light: Cahaya Perisai Diri for Psychic Attacks


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