Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community are you feeling trapped by worry? Discover Purple Light Energy to embrace peace, attract friendships, and unlock your Higher Self.#CosmicGoddessEmpowerments #PurpleLightEnergy #SpiritualHealing #HigherSelfAwakening
Founder: Kangjeng Pangeran (KP) Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro
Accredited Reseller: Since 2010, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original selected accredited licensed reseller of this Master Hari modality.
Introduction: Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community are you worrying right now, are you ON EDGE and feeling STRESSED? This is for our clients or soon to be clients in the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community who need a RELEASE FROM WORRY and those Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community members who desire to create a sense of peace and freedom by going with the flow of your life instead of always trying to direct or control the outcome of a situation but instead, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community more readily be able to hand it over to a Higher Power for resolution to help the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community to advance spiritually and enhances one's ability to live as the Higher Self embodied.cosmicgoddessempowerments .com
Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community finds they are ATTRACTING FRIENDSHIPS as well as easing COMMUNICATION CHALLENGES and are more able to break the ice to speak when meeting new people that Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community would like to be connected more deeply with others AND Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community to ALLIVATE FEARS that YOU will NOT BE LIKED or respected by others, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community because of past experiences when you felt REJECTED AND UNLOVABLE.cosmicgoddessempowerments
It helps Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community to attract wisdom, self-awareness and insight into COMPULSIONS Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community AND, most importantly, it also helps Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community to feel fortunate and blessed by RECOGNIZING all the good that they have
Included with purchase:
- Digital English translation PDF sent electronically by link
- Orb of Life distant attunement service