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Virtual Massage, Self Use Attunement: Angel Touch Massage




Founder Mariah Windsong Couture


Levels 1

Prerequisite: Reiki 2


Virtual Massage Personal Use acquaints Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community members body with the energy techniques that allow your body  to receive touch in a physically beneficial way from eternal beings and angels in the spiritual realms who are not in physical bodies. After your attunement Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community can call upon your Virtual Massage Team to provide a Virtual Massage Session, this session has been faciliated by Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community for headache, muscle ache, tension release,  stress ease, backache ease, muscle and more. Virtual Massage can be received by any area of the body you direct with your mind for your own


You will receive 1 orb of life attunement and 1 digital self use e-manual sent electronically by link

Virtual Massage, Self Use Attunement: Angel Touch Massage


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