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Trager Team Attunement:  Muscles, limbs & joints



Founder Mariah Windsong Couture


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community do you have painful joints?  Do you long to be more comfortable in your body?  Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community do you want to be relaxed and have more energy?  Cosmic Goddess Empowerments founder Rosemary Noel experienced a meet and greet with her trager team in order to help her have more freedom to move her limbs more comfortably and for longer periods of time! Be more comfortable in your body! Relax and have more energy during exercise but others use just to have more motion and regain extended range of limb movement faster and with more ease. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community allow your personal light team to send gentle waves of energy through your body, too, as numerous members of the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community have told Master Noel that they have found support for physical injuries, while other Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community members find benefit from it in managing degenerative


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Trager Team Attunement: Muscles, limbs & joints


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