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Tourmaline Spectrum Ray Attunement: Muscles/Ligaments/Fractures

Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture



Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students this energy has a piezoelectric quality. 


Colloidal gel, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students is one of the main things all soft tissue is made up of is affected by piezoelectric fields.


So if there is a muscle that is seized up, a ligament that is stretched or a bone that is fractured – Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students can utilize this energy internally whereby toxins are expelled and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students   cells can easily intake the liquid and nutrients to facilitate healing.


Each of the colors of tourmaline is a divine energy ray that will bring Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students unique energy qualities to you as needed This increases Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students  body’s own healing abilities, specifically by assisting our bodies to release or neutralize toxins.


You will receive  1 digital e-manual sent electronically by link and distant attunement service via orb of life

Tourmaline Spectrum Ray Attunement: Muscles/Ligaments/Fractures


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