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Spring Equinox Reiki Attunement: Clear, Goals, Remove STAGNANT energy


Let Spring Equinox Reiki give you a boost to kick-start projects and achieve your goals with ease.


Founder Tawan Chester


Levels 1


Spring Equinox occurs around March 20, check your calendar for dates this year!


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community the Spring Equinox empowers the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community to clear stagnant energies from your environment, mind, and body. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community isn't time to remove your accumulated blockages and clutter?  Let Spring Equinox Reiki give you a boost to kick-start projects and achieve your goals with ease. The Spring Equinox Energy opens pathways for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community productive energy flow between you and the Universe. Within the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments we've found that this energy aligns us with our intentions, enhancing focus and effort. Results depend on the energy you put in—your only limitations are the ones you create.

Harness this transformative energy with the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community and move forward with more clarity and purpose!



Included with purchase:


The original digital PDF manual sent electronically by link & orb of life distant attunement service

Spring Equinox Reiki Attunement: Clear, Goals, Remove STAGNANT energy


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