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Soul Connection 1-4 Attunements: Connect with another soul or angel



Language: Available in English 


Levels 4



Requirement of Reiki or Seichim Master to attune others


BOGO?  Not for the Teacher Modality


About Soul Connection 1-4

This listing is for the Teacher modality and attunements. Decription can be found in Soul Connection Listing 1-3.


Level 1: The Azure Shakti™ brings you into full contact with your soul.

Level 2: The Azure Shakti guides you to connect with another person’s soul.

Level 3: The Azure Shakti guides you to commune with an angel, deity, or saint.

Level 4: The Teacher attunement



Includes Teacher System 1-4 digital pdf in your sent electronically by link & distant attunements by orb of life method

Soul Connection 1-4 Attunements: Connect with another soul or angel


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