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Skin Care Attunement: Derma Clear, Histamine Blocker for itch of allergy


Founder Mariah Windsong Couture

Prerequisite: Usui or Seichim Master to Attune Others


About this system:

Mariah writes that Skin Care™ is designed to support your skin’s health and promote healthy skin cell regeneration.Derma Clear™ function assists your skin’s acne clearance. Functions are included to inhibit abnormal skin cells and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments finds. Skin Care REALLY enhances the regeneration of healthy skin cells. Functions for skin resiliency in Skin Care energy system too! Histamine Blocker Field™ reduces your skin’s tendency to over react to irritants such as bug bites. The itch and redness of allergy responses such as hives are also reduced with the use of Histamine Blocker Field.


Included is orb of life distant attunement and digital pdf sent electronically by link

Skin Care Attunement: Derma Clear, Histamine Blocker for itch of allergy


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