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Shaman Care Attunement


Founder Mariah Windsong Couture


About this system:

The Shaman Care Session enables Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students to conduct personalized healing sessions for yourself or your loved ones following initial attunement.


This involves Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students collaborating with spiritual entities beyond the physical realm to heal the body, emotions, mind, and soul.


Shamanism is built on the principle that shamans are intermediaries between the human and spiritual worlds, tapping into the sacred intelligence of nature. They communicate with the spirits of plants, animals, the elements, and other spiritual beings, including those who have transitioned to a spirit-only existence. Shamans address both the physical and energetic sources of illness, purging negative energies to restore a balance between the physical and spiritual realms. This holistic practice not only quickens the healing process but also deepens the connection with the natural world, facilitating comprehensive healing that encompasses both physical well-being and spiritual health.



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Shaman Care Attunement


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