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Sandals Empowerment: Embody energies of Jesus, Muhammad, and more



Founder Mariah Windsong Couture



Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, with Sandals Empowerment you can embody the noble energies of historical figures who walked on Earth. By stepping into their sandals,Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, access their divine attributes and noble characteristics deeply.


This attunement includes six pairs:

  • Jesus
  • Gandhi
  • Mother Theresa
  • Muhammad
  • Esther and more


Each pair of sandals offers Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students a unique opportunity to activate and integrate these enlightened beings energies, enhancing your spiritual connections and growth.



Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, Sandals Empowerment enriches your spiritual path as you embodying each pair of sandal.


Includes digital e-manual sent electronically and distant attunement service by orb of life chi ball

Sandals Empowerment: Embody energies of Jesus, Muhammad, and more


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