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Pain & Suffering Flush Attunement:  For easing animal pain and suffering


Levels 1

Functions 2

Founder : Mariah Windsong Napieralski Couture


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community this energy is for all of nature’s creatures, especially those whose pain and suffering is due to abuse or neglect. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community, our founder Rosemary Noel uses this energy is not just for pets, but Rosemary also uses for wildlife, whether their pain is due to sickness or hunger, accident or a result of fighting with members of their own species or others.  Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community it is ourresponsibility repeat, it is our responsibility not to turn the other cheek Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community but to help to assist to reduce pain and suffering for those who don’t have the vocal cord skill to speak for themselves in our language. Start helping those creatures in need now.www.cosmicgoddessempowerements


There are two energy functions included in this energy system:


  • Bio Life Pleasure 
  • Evocative Compassion  


With purchase you will receive the original English translation pdf manual sent electronically and one distant energy attunement.

Pain & Suffering Flush Attunement: For easing animal pain and suffering


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