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(Original) Personal Guardian Attunement: Environmental Stres


Founder Hari Winarso


Accredited Reseller

As the original accredited reseller since 2010, we unequivocally guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the energy transmitted by Master Hari to our students. This assurance is of paramount importance due to the rampant unauthorized distribution, including counterfeit copies and unauthorized translations. Our unwavering commitment ensures that students receive genuine and potent transmissions directly from the source, precisely as presented in our offerings


Abou this offering:

This is for the original energy system. There is a budle with the original and the booster available in the store. 


About Personal Guardian:


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students physical and subtle bodies are protected from environmental stress with this attunement. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students say this activation helps mitigate the adverse effects of environmental stress on Cosmic Goddess Empowerments health, wealth, relationships, creativity, and more as Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students will find in the manual.


Includes digital English translation manual pdf sent electronically by link and distant attunement by orb of life

(Original) Personal Guardian Attunement: Environmental Stres


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