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(Original) Holy Fire gTummo 1-4 Attunements: Cosmic Heat for Disease, Healing



We are the Original Accredited Reseller of Master Hari Winarso's Systems Since 2010.


Founder: KP. Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro with Edwin Aldrian


Levels 4 (Must be a main selection not a gift)


Accredited Reseller:

Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community, as the Accredited Teacher and Reseller of Master Hari’s systems since 2010, we offer in this listing the authentic energy transmission directly received from him. Our commitment ensures that the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community receive the intended benefits while upholding the highest standards of spiritual integrity—infused straight from Master Hari himself.


Prerequisite: Must be Usui Master to receive 



Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community gTummo, or inner fire, is a cosmic heat energy from the astral body that enhances the spiritual achievements of Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community and helps  physical and psychological ailments via application through palm-to-hand touch and, at higher levels, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community will use energy patterns for distance healing. After receiving the Holy Fire gTummo initiation (Angkur) from a Master like Rosemary Noel, students can apply gTummo to themselves & others.www.cosmicgoddessempowerments


Developed by Hari Andri Winarso and Edwin Aldrian Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community Holy Fire gTummo focuses solely on the energy aspect without using symbols or mantras. The progression through Holy Fire gTummo levels is as follows:


  • 1st Level: Attunement to gTummo energy, opening energy channels.

  • 2nd Level: Energy increased 108 times, revealing new pathways and cleansing chakras, nadis, and aura.wwwcosmicgoddessempowerments

  • 3rd Level: Energy amplified 1,000 times, enhancing spiritual practice.

  • 4th Level: Energy increased 10,000 times, enabling initiation of others into the




You will receive with purchase:

 The digital e-manual English translation PDF email sent electronically by link. 


  • Attunement Service sent via orb of life / chi ball spaced: 7 days apart between level 1 and level 2 and level 2 and level 3. There is a much longer wait between level 3 to 4 to practice of 90 days.  After Master Teacher attunement there is a a 21 day wait before you can attune others.

(Original) Holy Fire gTummo 1-4 Attunements: Cosmic Heat for Disease, Healing


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