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(Original) Energy Download Attunement: Download Deities, Crystals, Healings


Founder Hari Winarso


Level of difficulty: Medium to high, manual provides activation instruction and a sample technique (usage is limitless for the seasoned energy worker but you must use your experience to utilize your methods).


Dear Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community,

You hold the key to accessing the boundless energies of gemstones, herbs, planets, deities, and beyond. As seekers of cosmic wisdom, you can harness these energies and weave them into your spiritual practice with grace and intention. This modality is a profound force, enriching for seasoned lightworkers but not recommended for those new to energy work.


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments practitioners who embrace this energy with reverence can access the energy of gemstones, herbs, planets, deities, etc.

This is the Original Energy Download Empowerment (there is a booster), a treasured gift from Master Hari Winarso, teaches you to conduct energetic downloads from any source. Manual provides a sample technique so Cosmic Goddess Empowerments practitioners can adapt these techniques to suit your unique needs in magical practices, healing endeavors, or other aspects of your spiritual journey.



Includes the digital English translation (original version) e-manual sent electronically by link and orb of life attunement service.  activation instruction, 1 sample technique, and attunement instructions. 

(Original) Energy Download Attunement: Download Deities, Crystals, Healings


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