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Orchid Empowerment, 1 PDF: Restore to Wholeness

Orchid Empowerment Attunement: Uplift, purify, balance, restores you to wholeness, heals within your inner most places and traumas


About Orchid; If you are sensitive to subtle energies, you will feel her gentleness and high vibrational purity.


Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture


About this system:

This is a meet and greet to the spiritual energies of the Orchid plant and especially the delicate energies of Her flowers.  She uplifts those parts of you that need to be brought into wholeness.


Orchid helps you forgive the parts of yourself that you would hold separate out of embarrassment or shame. She purifies and shows you the way to allowing yourself to know your worthiness to connect with the Divine in a more whole way. She invites and heals the places within you that you may have walled off or forgotten were even there. Trauma impact is lessened and an ability to breathe deeper into life is known.Orchid’s assistance to you will be exactly what you need in this moment. It is important that you leave your expectations at the door, and pass through the threshold to visit with Orchid in simple appreciation of her grace. 


Note: About Orchid; If you are sensitive to subtle energies, you will feel her gentleness and high vibrational purity.  If you are not sensitive to subtle energies she will be assisting regardless.


With your purchase you'll recieve 1 distant attunement by chi ball call in method and 1 digital pdf Orchid Empowerment manual informational delivered  electronically

Orchid Empowerment, 1 PDF: Restore to Wholeness


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