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9 System Metatron Digital 999 Attunement Package for our Student Members



  • Prerequisite 1:  Current Year Online Member With Previous Attunements with us over the course of the past 6 months.
  • Buy 1 Get 1 Free? No this packages are such outstanding values they are not included in buy 1 get 1 free offerings and there are no substitutions



Metatron Digital Attunement Package includes 10 attunement to 10 modalities relaying the high-energy activation of Metatron in the frequency 999 to increase your own light.


System Manuals Included:


  1. Archangel
  2. Archangel Metatron
  3. Archangelic
  4. Anilos
  5. Ascendency
  6. Melek Metatron
  7. Melek Metatron
  8. Metatron
  9. Metatron's


With purchase you will receive the original English or English translated PDF manuals sent electronically and distant energy attunement service via orb of life/chi ball call in method.  Attunements are delivered attunement 3 a day (Monday-Friday) until completed. There are no substitutions of systems with package offerings and as always we recommend 24 to 48 hours between receipt of attunements.

9 System Metatron Digital 999 Attunement Package for our Student Members


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