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Magickal Aura Flush Attunement: Substance Abuse, Parasistes


Founder Hari Winarso

Levels 1



Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community are you ready to release stress  and and negative energies from your auric field. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community begin today to rebuild / repair your auric field, including mending those holes caused by old wounds, substance abuse, psychic parasites and exposure negative energies.AND MORE!


Includes the digital English translation e-manual sent electronically by link and distant attunement by orb of life chi ball

Magickal Aura Flush Attunement: Substance Abuse, Parasistes

  • We are pleased to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our social media followers with a special Buy 1 Get 1 Free gift. This exclusive offer is available to non-professional, non-teaching followers who are student members registered in the current calendar year. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive a gift of equal or lesser value with your purchase. Please note, the gift must be a single system at a single level.


    Not all offerings are available as Buy 1 Get 1 Free, and those that are will be specified in the listing, with a prompt indicating this availability. 

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world metaphysical association
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