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Lotus Frequency Matrix Attunement: Cancer, Meniere, Liver,



Founder Hari Winarso



Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community, experience Kwan Yin's healing system that treats allergies, chronic conditions, and liver and gallbladder issues. It also improves muscular and motor function, relieves Meniere’s disease, and regulates cell disorders. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community gains relief from high blood pressure, pain, and migraines, while preventing heart attacks and healing heart conditions. Additionally, it reduces fatigue, overcomes shock, detoxifies the body, regenerates the liver, and aids in overcoming addictions and stress. For the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community, place it under your pillow for lucid dreams, activating T-cells and the thymus, ensuring practitoners


Included is digital English translation pdf digital e-book sent electronically by link and orb of life attunement service


Lotus Frequency Matrix Attunement: Cancer, Meniere, Liver,


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