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Lotus Crystal Attunement:Cleanse from another's emotions, attract wealth

Founder: Master Hari Andri Winarso


Levels 1


Symbols? No


An energy pattern not only heals diseases but also cleanses the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community from fear, anger, sadness, and negative emotional energies. Once attuned, the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community’s compassionate energy is enhanced, fostering peace and happiness. Additionally, this energy pattern helps the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community attract wealth, increase knowledge, and support spiritual unfoldment. The Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community will find themselves more peaceful and happy after receiving this attunement. The second purpose of this energy pattern is that, once cleared from these negative energies, the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community will attract wealth, increase their knowledge, and help their spiritual unfoldment.

With purchase our registered student members will receive:


The English translation  digital e-manual PDF sent electronically by link AND orb of life/chi ball distant  attunement service.  

Lotus Crystal Attunement:Cleanse from another's emotions, attract wealth


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