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Light Concentration Increase Rays, Self Use or Master by Mariah Windsong

Light Concentration Increase Rays, Self Use or Master e-manual PDF: Life-Enhancing Energies for your body to hold more Light, For sanctification

Founder Mariah Windsong Couture

About this system:

From the manual, Light Concentration Increase Rays constantly increase your capacity to hold an ever more concentrated quality of Light which brings with it more assistance and unity with the Light beyond the Light of our local universe. Find, Verdant and Powerful, Light Concentration Increase Rays which sustain biological life with the Eternal Divine Blueprint of evolved creation by Mariah Windsong Couture. Mariah writes: The difference is that now a human body consciousness can keep that sentient awareness when the body dies. If it has been exposed to a strong enough concentration of Light it will be able to drop the mantel of unworthiness. The body’s sentient awareness allows itself to know unity with Divinity, our life here is so much easier as the body knows peace within.

Expose your body to the Light Concentration Increase Rays because they contain all of the life enhancing qualities for both our physical body’s health while we are in it, and our body’s sentient awareness’s eternal life thereafter.


Light Concentration Increase Rays will answer your body’s questions, and sanctify it of those unworthiness feelings. We know your body will bask Mercy Elohim’s presence and know it is loved and valued.


Finally and most importantly,  working with Light Concentration Increase Rays regularly can increase capacity to hold an ever more concentrated quality of Light which brings with it more assistance and unity with the Light beyond the Light of our local universe.  If you do not have this system, we highly recommend!


You will receive attunement service by orb of life and 1 digital e-manual sent electronically in your choice of either Master or Personal Use by link

Light Concentration Increase Rays, Self Use or Master by Mariah Windsong


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