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Kidneys and Bladder Care Attunement: Berberine, Renal, Blood Filtration


Founder Mariah Windsong Couture






Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community members using the Kidneys and Bladder Care energy system receive spiritual support in nurturing, rejuvenating, and optimizing kidney and bladder health. Guided by Eternal Light Beings and Angels, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community these energies aid blood filtration, renal function, nephron healing, and may assist with dissolving kidney stones, strengthening bladder muscles, and berberine essence benefits.



You will receive 1 distant attunement by orb of life chi ball call in  and 1 digital Master PDF manual sent electronically by link. 


Kidneys and Bladder Care Attunement: Berberine, Renal, Blood Filtration

$29.00 일반가

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