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Intention Increase Attunement: Increase Intention/Manifestation Power

Intention Increase, digital e-manual by Mariah Windsong: INCREASE the POWER of your intentions


  • Prerequiste: Anyone may receive Intention Increase attunement, but only Reiki or Seichim Master Teachers may pass on this energy system to others


Founder Mariah Windsong Couture writes that I ntention Increase™ is an energy system that has been brought forth to vastly increase the power of your intentions. That which you set forth as what you intend to happen is to increase with the regular activation of this energy system. This attunement trains you to “Increase” whatever you want. Intention is the act of aligning yourself with a purpose within a certain topic.


Spiritually speaking intention is the mental positioning you hold and extend forth with the power of your own will, to instruct Eternal Sacred Source about what you desire to bring into your life. hat is the outgoing energy. The response from Source is the incoming energy that fulfills our intentions.


Intention is that seemingly illusive skill, which when practiced adeptly brings results that have been referred to as magical. You need to determine what you shall intend, refine the topic well enough to be specific, and when you send it forth, let go of the how, and who in order to gain superb results.  


  • You will receive 1 distant energy attunement service by orb of life / chi ball and 1 e-manual electronically sent by link

Intention Increase Attunement: Increase Intention/Manifestation Power


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