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Hydrostatic Regeneration Chamber, digital pdf by Mariah Windsong: Deep Healing

Hydrostatic Regeneration Chamber digital pdf by Mariah Windsong Couture: Increased vigor, less body aches, better Breathing, reduce sinus pressure


Founder Mariah Windsong Couture


  • None if you are just receiving or sharing energies with others
  • Reiki Master if you would like to attune others


Your Hydrostatic Regeneration Chamber tests and attends to your physical body’s capillary and cellular membranes' liquid resiliency. This is where the Hydrostatic term comes from for hydrostatic testing is used to test pipes for weak places where leaks could occur. Thereafter the energies that will flow will be of a regenerative nature and if you are sensitive to subtle energies, they will have a lulling, relaxing, ‘no worries here’ feel to them. 


Many people feel a definite current of energy from their crown to their feet and back again in both directions after they've activated their Hydrostatic Regeneration Chamber. Others also feel a right to left horizontal movement of the energies also.  


Benefits for both people who can feel subtle energies and for those who don't have been reported to be:

  • Increased Vigor
  • Less Body Aches
  • Better Digestion
  • Less Past Referencing in thought and conversation
  • Hope for the Future Increased
  • Speedier Physical Recovering from Illness or Dis-ease
  • More Mobility for those with Arthritis
  • Better Breathing Capacity
  • Reduced Sinus Pressure


With purchase you will receive orb of life attunement(s) and digital pdf manual sent electronically by link

Hydrostatic Regeneration Chamber, digital pdf by Mariah Windsong: Deep Healing


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