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Holy Touch Attunement: Healing, Meridians, Emotional Pain, Heal Imbalance, IQ

Holy Touch Healing digital e-manual by Hari Winarso: A High Healer, strengthens biomagnetic energies, Enhance flow in the physical Meridians

December 2017
Founder Hari Andri Winarso
Levels 1
Symbol No
Mudra/Mantra No
About this system:


Master Hari Winarso explains that Holy Touch Healing possesses powerful energy to heal various multidimensional, physical, and metaphysical diseases. It transforms negative energy into positive, strengthens biomagnetic energies, and enhances the flow of energy in the physical meridians. This high-vibration healing reduces stress, relieves emotional pain, and corrects imbalances, while also stimulating mental clarity, improving self-esteem, and increasing




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Includes English translation digital e-manual pdf sent electronically by link.

Holy Touch Attunement: Healing, Meridians, Emotional Pain, Heal Imbalance, IQ


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