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Heart Care Attunement:  Heart Valves, Vessels, Co-Enzyme 10



Founder Mariah Windsong Couture


About this system:


Your Heart Care™ attunement gives you the right to also call upon Heart, Valve and Vessel Care, and Co-Enzyme Q-10 Energy. A heart needs a lot of energy and support from Eternal Sacred Source helps.


Heart Care™ energy system brings flows of energy that are calibrated specifically for each person by the Heart Care Team. These energies enhance your body's natural healing and mantainance ablities. Co-Enzyme Q-10 Energy is the spiritual energy of the CoEnzyme Q10 supplement that is found most prominently in the heart, liver and kidneys. When there isn't enough of this important coenzyme, the body had difficulty producing enough energy for these organs. Co-Enzyme Q10 Energy makes better use of the physical Co-Enzyme Q10 you do have in your body.


Includes digital English e-manual sent electronically by link and attunement by orb of life / chi ball method

Heart Care Attunement: Heart Valves, Vessels, Co-Enzyme 10


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