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Hara Chakra Protection Shield Attunement: Lower Abdomen Healing Too

Founder Master Hari Andri Winarso.


Accredited and Licensed Reseller and TeacherDue to the prevalence of unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials, including counterfeit copies, unauthorized translations, and materials copied from our webstore, we emphasize our role as the original accredited reseller since 2010 and the accredited reseller of this offering. We guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the energy transmitted by Master Hari to Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students. Our commitment to maintaining the purity and integrity of the energy teachings remains steadfast, ensuring that students receive genuine and potent transmissions.


About this System:


Dear Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Students:Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students,The sacral hara chakra, located at the naval, is pivotal in our worldly experiences. It governs Cosmic Goddess Empowerments student interactions with the external environment. The Hara Chakra Protection Shield was crafted to offer support in fortifying and safeguarding this vital chakra. It proves Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students especially beneficial for those of our students who feel drained by external energies or find themselves vulnerable emotionally or physically in the lower abdomen region. The Hara Chakra Protection Shield establishes a protective shield encircling and reinforcing Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students entire body. This shield functions as a potent asset for nurturing a healthy and balanced Hara Chakra, fostering a heightened sense of resilience and safeguarding in everyday life. With the Hara Chakra Protection Shield, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students can uphold the strength and equilibrium of their Hara Chakra while nurturing an enhanced feeling of safety and assurance across all facets of existence. AND MORE AS FOUND IN THE MANUAL


Included is the original English translation digital PDF manual delivered electronically by link and orb or life/chi ball distant attunement service.

Hara Chakra Protection Shield Attunement: Lower Abdomen Healing Too


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