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Golden Tulip Shakti Attunement: Relationship Healing


Founder: KP. Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro


A Message to Our Students: As the Accredited Teacher under Master Hari for over 14 years, we offer in this listing the authentic energy transmission directly received from him. Our commitment ensures that you receive the intended benefits while upholding the highest standards of spiritual integrity—straight from the source. The content remains unadulterated and is found exclusively in the original manual infused by Master Hari himself. Regrettably, due to instances of content theft and unauthorized translations, our listings are presented in an adapted format, and our content is protected by copyright.



Golden Tulip Shakti facilitates relationship healing and supports Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, its a beautiful energy which Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students can use to refine their soul's capacity for social presence, directing inner development outward for helping and healing others or collaborating with nature. It assists with empathy, allowing Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students to intuit and respond to the deeper meanings of others. It breaks down self-centered barriers, promoting sensitive connections and learning from others. Particularly beneficial for healing and teaching professionals, it refines empathetic qualities.


Includes the orb of life attunement service and the digital English translation e-manual sent electronically by link

Golden Tulip Shakti Attunement: Relationship Healing


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