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Gold Quartz Essence, digital PDF: Close Auric Holes, Condition Skin

Gold Quartz Essence pdf by Hari Winarso - Close auric holes, energies for skin conditions, balances nervous system and sacral center.


Keywords: Skin, Creative Thought, Throat Chakra


Hari writes in his original manual...


"Gold Quartz Essence promotes mental activity of creative thought, stimulates and balances the nervous system and circulatory flow. Can be healing for various skin conditions.


Blockages or holes in aura are treated through Gold Quartz Essense.  It aligns to the relationship of the throat center initiating a clearing that faciliates the ability to work out problems in a good way and respond to life in a more natural, less fanaticle way. It also promotes mental activity of creative thought". 


With your purchase you'll receive a distant energy attunement by orb of life / chi ball method and English translation PDF manual delivered electronically

Gold Quartz Essence, digital PDF: Close Auric Holes, Condition Skin


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