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Flower of Fire Esoteric Magickal Attunement: Puspa Geni for Psychic Attacks


Only 3 people or less have been attuned direct by Master Winarso directly worldwide to this Javanese Esoteric system which reflects his belief system in Indonesia. This type of attunement is not for everyone, please ask any questions prior to purchase.


Founder: Kangjeng Pangeran (KP) Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro


Accredited Master Teacher / Reseller: Since 2010, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original selected accredited licensed reseller of this Master Hari modality.



Prayer?  Yes, in English Language




•   Current Year Registered Student for 30 days

•   Prior attunement service with us



About Indonesian Culture Esoteric and Magickal Attunements


The Javanese and Indonesian culture is rich in spiritual, esoteric, magickal, and religious beliefs and practices, and this system is an example of such practices. It is an esoteric magickal power initiation that has its roots in Indonesian esoteric culture; therefore, it is not for everyone. Please reach out prior to purchase.




Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community powerful esoteric magickal power is useful to remove psychic attacks and negative energies around you and especially and in your energy body in addition to protections.


Note: For our current year registered member students who are SOCIAL Media followers we have a special gift for you.



Included is orb of life attunement and digital English translation PDF

Flower of Fire Esoteric Magickal Attunement: Puspa Geni for Psychic Attacks


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