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Fire Matrix Attunement: Financial Timing, Negotiations, Business Insight




Founder: Kangjeng Pangeran (KP) Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro


Accredited Reseller: Since 2010, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original selected accredited licensed reseller of this Master Hari modality.




Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community enhances financial decision-making its transformative power, helps Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community bring things in their proper perspective without excess drama, worry, or denial about the bottom line. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community it helps to strip away any illusions about your financial dealings and creates order out of chaos, making it perfect for tax time, straightening out estate matters, and integrating worldly energy.Transformatively, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community Fire Matrix Energetic changes worries, anxieties, and fears into a logical, practical, and confident approach to all matters MATERIAL. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community combines earth energy with the sun's energy to create a high vibrational yet grounded state, drawing spiritual energies to earth and enhancing psychic abilities. It balances the lower chakras and stimulates kundalini energy. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community finds it promotes correct power use, integrity, and clarity of intention. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community can use it to recognize true financial needs and manifest your will. Mentally itresolves dilemmas and internal conflicts. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community enhances self-worth, creativity, and balances yin-yang energy, lifting moods and more.


Included with purchase is the original English Translation PDF manual sent electronically by link and orb of life attunement

Fire Matrix Attunement: Financial Timing, Negotiations, Business Insight


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