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Energetic Matrix Recalibration (EMR) Attunement: Matrix Guard, Thread Reweaving


9 October 2024


Founder: Hari Andri Winarso/KP. Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro



Accredited Reseller:

Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community, as the Accredited Teacher and Reseller of Master Hari’s systems since 2010, we offer in this listing the authentic energy transmission directly received from him. Our commitment ensures that the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community receive the intended benefits while upholding the highest standards of spiritual integrity—infused straight from Master Hari himself.


About this offering:


Don't wait to increase your mental clarity reset your vitality today, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community by identifying weaknesses and distortions in your energetic matrix you can return to  harmonious state, by reweaving threads, enhance your light and keep it there by guarding your matrix!


Included with purchase:

Distant attunement service by orb of life method and

The original Instructional PDF Manual by Master Hari in English

Energetic Matrix Recalibration (EMR) Attunement: Matrix Guard, Thread Reweaving


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