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Dream Scenario Clearance, New 2016 by Mariah Winds

Dream Scenario Clearance, New 2016 Personal Use digital e-manual by Mariah Windsong: Clear Karma, Subconscious Patterns, Cellular Memories & Patterns

Includes the new personal use digital e-manual and attunements

Founder Mariah Windsong Couture

Levels 2

Prerequiste: None for Personal Use

About this system

Level 1 Self Forgiveness Healing Ray sets the foundation and Dream Scenario Clearance activations clear your subconscious patterns and cellular memories of topics that are related to behaviors you don’t choose to exhibit. Comfort Wrap Reiki fills in where previous unwanted patterns were.


Level 2 provides you with the ability to clear those same areas, for topics and patterns that first arose in any other time or place. If you would like to attune or share energies with others, please purchase the Master e-manual.


You will receive distant attunements via chi ball and e-manual electonically sent by link

Dream Scenario Clearance, New 2016 by Mariah Winds


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